For full-length documentation of the works:
For screenings and educational copies:
Website by Brendan Griffiths
The only reason for mass homelessness
is that you turned our living spaces
into speculative objects.
Excerpt from:
The only reason....
8:49 min with 10 channel audio
Excerpt from:
6:25 min, silent
Excerpt from:
7:38 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
The Hare
4-6 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
9:37 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
11:53 min, stereo sound
Having you near me is magic, I tingle. It doesn’t matter
what’s going on in my life circumstances are irrelevant they’re just circumstances. You’re what is real,
and everything else is just stuff. I’ll never let you forget who you are.
Excerpt from:
One of us
10:15 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
8:59 min, stereo sound
The moment there is a flicker of doubt, a flicker of self criticism that becomes visible to others, the magic falls away. You have to be believable. You have to have no fear. If you don't believe yourself, that's your own problem.
Excerpt from:
Rites of Passage
14 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
4:50min, stereo sound
Actually it’s all about… being happy.
Getting up in the morning and deciding you’re going to
be happy. You have to work at it. Because we all have little things we have to go through. Rich or poor.
Excerpt from:
16:40 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
Where do we migrate to
7:10 min, stereo sound
It’s inevitable that some people are poor. Someone is always the poorest... People shouldn’t have to starve to death. But... recently, I was in a room where I was clearly the poorest. All the other guys had more than 100 million dollars...... so I was the poorest. Someone always is.
Excerpt from:
Economic Primacy
17:56 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
Family Times
6 min, stereo sound
I think clothes come first. You have to look good.
For yourself, so people can see you look good.
That’s important. Then they respect you more.
And you are cooler of course. You buy things
that other people can’t afford.
Excerpt from:
13:24 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
The highest point
12:40 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
Looking at the other/ desire
2:50 min, stereo sound
Excerpt from:
6:20 min, stereo sound
Drive-In, Blum and Poe, Los Angeles, USA; Gogbot Festival 2013, Enschede, NL; Modern Times - Episode 4:
Skindeep, Cinema Zuid, Amsterdam, NL; This I Promise You, Toronto, CN; Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2011, CN;
28th Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, D; Antimatter Festival 2011, Victoria BC, CA;
Shift: Electronic Arts Festival, Basel, CH; La Rochelle Film Festival, F; European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, D;
Ann Arbor Film Festival, USA; Impakt Festival, Utrecht, NL; 9th Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival, BR;
International Film Festival, MEDIAWAVE, HU; Festival International du Film d’Amiens, F; Bandits Images, Bourges, F;
Lux, Nijmegen, NL; Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, Images 22nd Festival, Toronto, CA;
2nd Annual Detroit International Video Festival, Museum of New Art, Detroit, USA; Nederlands Film Festival, Utrecht, NL;
International Festival of New Film, Split, HR; Video festival, National Cinema Museum, Turin,I.;
8ème, Un festival c’est trop court, Nice, F; Contemporary Image Collective, Below Sealevel, Cairo, EG;
Grenzeloos Kijken, Film by the Sea Festival, Scheveningen, NL, Interviews als künstlerische Praxis, Blickle-Kino des Belvedere21, Vienna, AT